Sunday, August 27, 2006

I'm Still Here!

OK, so it's been almost two months since I've posted anything. It's certainly not from lack if interest, more to do with lack of time. As you all know my daughter was born at the end of June. A life changing event, and one that takes some adjusting to. An adjustment that wouldn't be so hard if not for the other life changing event I experienced; work! When I started this blog I was in a state of unemployment, while ideally I would be spending eight hours a day job searching, the reality of the situation was that I allowed myself to get distracted reading other blogs and writing entries for my own. Now my days don't allow much time for blog writing or anything else that's not work or child related, and the weekends in the summer are filled with family and other social events. So that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

I promise I will try to post the occasional entry, but I can't promise any sort of regularity. It's been suggested that I write a review of Hillside. I started something, but didn't get very far. Hillside was a month ago, it's old news now and my memories of it are fading already! I appreciate those of you who have kept checking for new entries, and I urge you to keep coming back as I will have more to say, and more music to share.